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Mastering Layer 2 Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide for Blockchain Developers

Looking for a way to scale blockchain efficiently? Layer 2 solutions are the answer. These techniques process transactions off the main blockchain to cut down congestion, reduce fees, and speed up transactions. In this guide, you’ll learn how state channels, sidechains, and rollups work, and why they matter for blockchain software developers. Key Takeaways Mastering […]
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Understanding Different Types of Tokens: Utility vs Assets

Tokens are an essential element of the blockchain ecosystem, and they come in various forms. Two of the most common types of tokens are utility tokens and asset tokens. In this article, we will explore the differences between utility and asset tokens and their significance in the blockchain space. Native Tokens But first, let’s talk […]
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Ethereum Tokens & Token Standards – Explained

Blockchain development transformed the way businesses operate. While cryptocurrency coins play an integral role as an investment asset, equally important and useful are the tokens.
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